This is the abstract of one the papers that i was happy to contribute as a co-author.The paper is being presented in the 3rd International Workshop in Empirical Method in Energy Economics, Surrey, UK. The paper has been co-authored with Dr. Christian Growitsch and Marcus Stronzik from WIK GmbH, Germany.
"In 2007, Germany changed network access regulation in the natural gas sector and introduced a so-called entry-exit system. The re-regulation’s effect on competitiveness remains to be examined. We use cointegration analysis and a state space model with time-varying coefficients to study the development of natural gas spot prices in the two major trading hubs in Germany. To analyse information efficiency in more detail, the state space model is extended to an error correction model. Furthermore, we compare prices in Germany to those at the nearby Dutch TTF, which thus serves as a competitive benchmark. Overall, our results suggest a reasonable degree of price convergence between the corresponding hubs; however, allowing for time-variant adjustment processes, the price differentials are only partly explained by transportation costs. Persistent price differences indicate capacity constraints; nonetheless, market efficiency in terms of information processing has increased considerably."
To read the preliminary version of the paper, you may visit the link: