We have devoted a vast amount of scarce economic resources to reform our electricity sector over the years. Yet, the reform process can be dubbed ineffective while the empirical evidence of reforms has departed from the anticipated underlying motives. So, have we ever wondered upon what it takes to successfully reform the power sector in a developing country? In a recent paper titled “Reforming the Power Sector in Transition: Do Institutions Matter” published as University of Cambridge Working Papers in Economics, we have emperically formulated relevant policy recommendations for an effective electricty sector reform. Although the study focusses on ‘transition economies’ (TECs hereafter); the lessons learnt can certainly be tranferred to other developing countries like Nepal as economic transition is an ongoing process.
The rest of the article published in 'The Kathmnadu Post' can be followed via the link here: http://www.ekantipur.com/the-kathmandu-post/2011/03/09/oped/power-links/219264.html